Chauvet Follow Spot 400 Spotlight Rental


SKU: Chauvet Follow Spot 400 Spotlight Rental Category:


Chauvet Follow Spot 400  Spot Light RentalRent a Follow Spot Light In Miami – Chauvet Followspot 400 Large Spotlight w/gobos and Stand The Chauvet Followspot 400G has an electronic dimmer, mechanical iris, manual focus, master/slave function, and digital display for professional versatility.

Followspot 400G TFX-FS360 360 Watt
The Followspot 400G is a 2-channel DMX-512 portable follow spot with 2.3 – 12.2 degree capabilities. In addition to its digital display and mechanical iris, the Followspot features 7 dichroic colors and 4 interchangeable gobos in one convenient slot.

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